如果您在歐盟開展業務,或者您向歐盟的客戶銷售 ENDS 產品,則您需要遵守Tobacco Products Directive 2014/40/EU (TPD)(《煙草產品指令 2014/40/EU》(TPD))。在歐盟銷售 ENDS 產品之前,您應查看所有適用法規,包括您有意向其銷售產品的任何成員國的法律。
如果您在歐盟開展業務,或者您向歐盟的客戶銷售 ENDS 產品,則您需要遵守Tobacco Products Directive 2014/40/EU (TPD)(《煙草產品指令 2014/40/EU》(TPD))。在歐盟銷售 ENDS 產品之前,您應查看所有適用法規,包括您有意向其銷售產品的任何成員國的法律。
每個管轄區對 ENDS 有不同的要求,包括但不限于:
如果您是已注冊的零售商,則只能合法地將 ENDS 產品在線銷售給歐盟的兩個或多個國家/地區。
您需要在 ENDS 產品上添加健康警告,告知客戶產品包含尼古丁,不吸煙者不應使用。
如何宣傳、營銷和銷售 ENDS 產品。
ENDS 產品中允許包含的尼古丁含量。
如何給 ENDS 標簽。
您可以在線找到有關在歐盟銷售 ENDS 產品的特定信息,例如歐盟委員會電子煙指導。
如果您在英國開展業務,或者您向英國的客戶銷售 ENDS 產品,則您需要遵守您宣傳或銷售 ENDS 產品所在的任何管轄區的所有適用聯邦、郡和地方法律。這包括英國衛生和社會保健部以及英國廣告標準局制定的規定和法規。
如果您在英國銷售 ENDS 或任何相關煙油、部件、套件或配件,則還需要遵守英國藥品與保健品管理局 (MHRA) 推出的指導和法規,包括《煙草及相關產品法規》(TRPR) 以及《煙草產品和尼古丁吸入產品(修訂)條例》。
每個政府部門對 ENDS 有不同的要求,包括但不限于:
如何宣傳、營銷和銷售 ENDS 產品
ENDS 產品中允許包含的尼古丁含量
如何添加有關 ENDS 產品的健康聲明
如何給 ENDS 產品添加標簽
如果您在英國銷售或運輸 ENDS 產品,請仔細考慮以下幾項常規要求:
不得向 18 歲以下的任何人銷售 ENDS 產品。
不得在您的在線商店中添加任何藥用聲明,包括戒煙聲明,除非您的 ENDS 產品經 MHRA 授權用于醫藥用途。
在兩個或多個管轄區(例如英國和北或英國和歐盟)之間銷售或運輸 ENDS 產品之前,請先注冊為跨境零售商。
您可以在線查找有關在英國銷售 ENDS 產品的特定信息,例如以下資源:
ENDS 政策、法規和指導
ENDS 消費者產品法規
英國 ENDS 營銷指導
作為藥品的 ENDS 產品許可流程
Laws and regulations for selling ENDS products in the European Union (EU)
If your business is located in the European Union, or if you sell ENDS products to customers in the European Union, then you're required to follow the Tobacco Products Directive 2014/40/EU (TPD). Before selling an ENDS product in the European Union, you should review all applicable pieces of legislation, including the laws of any member state where you intend to sell your products.
Each jurisdiction has different requirements for ENDS, including but not limited to:
You can only legally sell ENDS products online to two or more countries that are a part of the European Union if you're a registered retailer.
You need to add health warnings on your ENDS products that tell customers that the product contains nicotine and shouldn't be used by people who don't smoke.
How you can advertise, market, and sell ENDS products.
How much nicotine content is allowed in the ENDS product.
How an ENDS duct needs to be labelled.
Resources about selling ENDS products in the European Union
You can find specific information online about selling ENDS products in the European Union, such as the European Commission Guidance on Electronic Cigarettes.
Laws and regulations for selling ENDS products in the United Kingdom (UK)
If your business is located in the United Kingdom, or if you sell ENDS products to customers in the United Kingdom, then you're required to follow all applicable federal, county, and local laws in any jurisdiction where your ENDS products are advertised or sold. These include the rules and regulations set by the Department of Health and Social Care, and the Advertising Standards Authority.
If you sell ENDS products, or any associated juice, part, kit, or accessory, in the United Kingdom, then you also need to follow the guidelines and regulations implemented by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), which include the Tobacco and Related Products Regulations (TRPR) and the Tobacco Products and Nicotine Inhaling Products (Amendment) Regulations.
Each governmental department has different requirements for ENDS, including but not limited to:
How you can advertise, market, and sell ENDS products
How much nicotine content is allowed in the ENDS product
How you can add health claims about an ENDS product
How an ENDS product needs to be labelled
If you sell or ship ENDS products in the United Kingdom, then consider these commonly cited requirements:
Don't sell ENDS products to any person under the age of 18.
Don't add any medicinal claims to your online store, including smoking cessation claims, unless your ENDS product is authorized for medicinal purposes by the MHRA.
Register as a cross-border retailer before you sell or ship ENDS products between two or more jurisdictions, such as Great Britain to Northern Ireland, or Great Britain to the European Union.
Resources about selling ENDS products in the United Kingdom
You can find specific information online about selling ENDS products in the United Kingdom, such as the following resources:
ENDS Policy, Regulation and Guidance
ENDS Regulations for Consumer Products
ENDS Marketing Guidance in the United Kingdom
Licensing Procedure for ENDS products as Medicines