字段名 | 描述 | 示例 |
amazon-order-id | 亞馬遜為訂單提供的唯一可顯示編號 | 058-3718414-0463502 或 S01-3718414-0463502 |
merchant order-id | 賣家為訂單提供的唯一編號(可選) | my-order |
purchase-date | 下訂單的日期 | 2003-07-14T18:53:56+ 00 :00 |
last-updated-date | 訂單最近更新的日期 | 2003-07-14T18:53:56+ 00 :00 |
order-status | 買家訂單的當(dāng)前狀態(tài) | 完成 |
fulfillment-channel | 說明訂單的配送方式: (AFN) 或賣家自行配送 (MFN) | AFN 或 MFN |
sales-channel | 下訂單的渠道 | Amazon.com |
order-channel | CBA/WBA 訂單下單的子渠道 | 電話 |
ship-service-level | 一個枚舉值,確定買家期望賣家使用的配送服務(wù)類型(例如,標(biāo)準(zhǔn)配送與加急配送) | 標(biāo)準(zhǔn) |
product-name | 商品的簡稱,在商品詳情頁面上和瀏覽器的標(biāo)題欄以粗體字顯示 | 巧克力松露 |
sku | 賣家為商品定義的唯一編號 | 哈利·波特 |
asin | 編號 | B000WON1Z0 |
item-status | 該商品在訂單內(nèi)的當(dāng)前狀態(tài) | 已發(fā)貨 |
quantity | 此商品的購買數(shù)量 | 1 |
currency | 購物使用的貨幣。支持的貨幣包括美元、加元、英鎊、歐元和日元 | 美元 |
item-price | 買家為商品支付的金額。金額是總金額,不是單價 | 15 |
item-tax | 買家為商品稅支付的金額。金額是總金額,不是單價 | 0 |
shipping-price | 買家支付的運費金額。金額是總金額,不是單價 | 4.99 |
shipping-tax | 買家為運費稅支付的金額。金額是總金額,不是單價 | 0 |
gift-wrap-price | 買家為禮品包裝支付的金額。金額是總金額,不是單價 | 4.99 |
gift-wrap-tax | 買家為禮品包裝稅支付的金額。金額是總金額,不是單價 | 0 |
item-promotion-discount | 應(yīng)用于訂單商品的所有促銷折扣的總和 | -6.5 |
ship-promotion-discount | 應(yīng)用于配送的促銷折扣 | -4.25 |
ship-city | 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)地址的城市 | 洛杉磯 |
ship-state | 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)地址的州或地區(qū) | 加利福尼亞州 |
ship-postal-code | 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)地址的郵政編碼 | 90039 |
ship-country | ISO 3166 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的雙字母國家/地區(qū)代碼 | US |
promotion-ids | 應(yīng)用于此訂單商品的所有商品促銷的列表 | |
許可證持有人姓名 | 買家提供的專業(yè)許可證上的個人姓名 | Jane Doe |
許可證編號 | 買家提供的專業(yè)許可證編號 | 12345 |
許可證狀態(tài) | 專業(yè)許可證所處的有效狀態(tài) | 加利福尼亞州 |
許可證有效期 | 買家提供的專業(yè)許可證的有效期 | 2017-08-20 |
All Orders Report
This report provides order and item information for both FBA and seller-fulfilled orders including order status, fulfillment and sales channel info, and item details.
An online view of this report is not offered.
This report includes recent orders regardless of whether they have been shipped. Both and seller-fulfilled orders are included enabling you to monitor and analyze demand across fulfillment and sales channels.
The report can be requested in two ways:
By order date: Orders placed in the specified date range will be returned
By last update: Orders that have changed (been placed or updated) in the specified date range will be returned.
The report does not include customer-identifying information.
Field Definitions
Field Name Description Example amazon-order-id Amazon's unique, displayable identifier for an order 058-3718414-0463502 or S01-3718414-0463502 merchant order-id A unique identifier optionally supplied for the order by the merchant my-order purchase-date The date the order was placed 2003-07-14T18:53:56+ 00 :00 last-updated-date The date of the most recent order update 2003-07-14T18:53:56+ 00 :00 order-status Current status of the customer order Complete fulfillment-channel Indicates how the order was fulfilled, via Amazon (AFN) or Merchant (MFN) AFN or MFN sales-channel Channel through which the order was purchased Amazon.com order-channel The sub channel through which a sale was made for CBA/WBA orders Phone ship-service-level An enumerated value that determines the type of fulfillment service that the buyer expects the merchant to use (e.g., standard versus expedited) Standard product-name The short title for the product, displayed in Bold on the detail web page and in the title bar of the browser window Chocolate Truffles sku A merchant-defined unique identifier for a product HarryPotter asin Amazon inventory ID B000WON1Z0 item-status Current status of this item within the order Shipped quantity The number of this item that were purchased 1 currency The currency used for the purchase. Supported currencies include USD, CAD, GBP, EUR, and JPY USD item-price The amount the buyer paid for the item. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price 15 item-tax The amount the buyer paid for item tax. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price 0 shipping-price The amount the buyer paid for shipping. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price 4.99 shipping-tax The amount the buyer paid for shipping tax. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price 0 gift-wrap-price The amount the buyer paid for gift wrap. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price 4.99 gift-wrap-tax The amount the buyer paid for gift wrap tax. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price 0 item-promotion-discount Total of all promotion discounts applied to the order item -6.5 ship-promotion-discount Promotion discount applied to shipping -4.25 ship-city The city of a standard address Los Angeles ship-state The state or region of a standard address California ship-postal-code The postal (zip) code of a standard address 90039 ship-country ISO 3166 standard two-letter country code US promotion-ids List of all item promotions applied to this order item Licensee name Name of the individual on the professional license that has been provided by the customer Jane Doe License number Professional license number provided by the customer 12345 License state State where professional license number is valid California License expiration date Professional license expiration date provided by the customer 2017-08-20
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